
A Smarter Way to Measure Canopy Cover

I recently volunteered with scientists at a cloud forest research institute in Costa Rica. One day, I was asked to use a spherical densiometer to measure a forest’s canopy cover. Out of this experience, an idea was born…

What if scientists could use an intuitive, and accurate tool to instantly measure canopy cover? CanopyCapture is the solution.

CanopyCapture is a canopy cover measurement application…




It is designed for scientists and forest surveyors to get precise measurements of a forest's canopy cover. Gone are the days of guesstimation and meddling with pesky densitometers. With CanopyCapture, users are guided through the app to take a picture of the forest canopy. The app then quickly calculates the percentage canopy cover. It's as simple as that!

Download and use CanopyCapture today!